Top 30 Poker Quotes by Great Players & Winners
One big criticism of poker these days is that the characters have gone out of the game. And where you get big poker players, you get fun and interesting quotes. It’s true that many of the best quotes in poker…
Sarcastic Brits About Christmas – Quotes from the British Isles
British people are well known for their black humour, often sarcastic and self-deprecating, frequently served up with deadpan delivery. Sarcastic Brits take down even Christmas… This may sometimes seem insensitive to other cultures as, in Britain, humour is applied to…
Top 50 Money Jokes – Short Quick One-Liners
This is a compilation of funny, quick, short one liner jokes and sayings about money. Not all of them have a deeper meaning. This collection is simply intended to bring a smile to your face or brighten up your day……
Best 50 Inspirational and Motivational Football Quotes
We have collected 50 of the top inspirational quotes about football, courtesy of a few of the most renowned coaches and players of the last 100 years. Let’s learn some great lessons in life from the game of football in…