Major League Baseball is almost 150 years old and it was over fifty years ago that MLB player Rogers Hornsby said, “People ask me what I do in winter when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring”.
Our hand-picked selection of baseball quotes explores the motivation that has driven some of the greatest MLB coaches and players to the very top of their profession.
The quotes are sorted chronologically by birth date of the originator. Enjoy and share with your friends!
Baseball has
the great advantage over cricket
of being sooner ended.
George Bernard Shaw
and co-founder of the London School of Economics)

Any minute, any day,
some players may break
a long standing record.
That’s one of the fascinations
about the game,
the unexpected surprises.
Cornelius McGillicuddy, Sr.
American professional baseball player, manager, and team owner)
The main idea
is to win.
John Joseph McGraw
Major League Baseball player and manager)
Baseball is more
than a game to me,
it’s a religion.
William Joseph Klem
National League [NL] umpire in Major League Baseball)
Poets are
like baseball pitchers.
Both have their moments.
The intervals are the tough things.
Robert Lee Frost
Now there’s three things
you can do
in a baseball game:
You can win
or you can lose
or it can rain.
Charles Dillon “Casey” Stengel
American Major League Baseball outfielder and manager)
If you’re playing baseball
and thinking about managing,
you’re crazy.
You’d be better off
thinking about being an owner.
Charles Dillon “Casey” Stengel
American Major League Baseball outfielder and manager)
The older pitcher
acquires confidence
in his ballclub.
He doesn’t try
to do it all himself.
Burleigh Arland Grimes
If it wasn’t for baseball,
I’d be in either
the penitentiary
or the cemetery.
George Herman “Babe” Ruth, Jr.
American professional baseball outfielder and pitcher
who played 22 seasons in the MLB)
People ask me
what I do in winter
when there’s no baseball.
I’ll tell you what I do.
I stare out the window
and wait for spring.
Rogers Hornsby, Sr. , nicknamed “The Rajah”