Nature is written in mathematical language - Galileo Galilei

‘Obvious’ is
the most dangerous word
in mathematics.

Eric Temple Bell

(1883 – 1960, Scottish-born American mathematician)

Math Quote: The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics - Paul Halmos

Mathematics is
the most beautiful
and most powerful creation
of the human spirit.

Stefan Banach

(1892 – 1945, Polish mathematician)

Logic and mathematics
are nothing but
specialised linguistic structures.

Jean Piaget

(1896 – 1980, Swiss developmental psychologist and philosopher)

If people do not believe
that mathematics is simple,
it is only
because they do not realize
how complicated life is.

John von Neumann

(1903 – 1957, Hungarian-American-German-Jewish
mathematician and computer scientist)

A mathematician
is a machine
for turning coffee
into theorems.

Paul Erdös

(1913 – 1996, Hungarian mathematician)

The only way
to learn mathematics
is to do mathematics.

Paul Halmos

(1916 – 2006, Hungarian-born mathematician)

Mathematicians seem to have
no difficulty in
creating new concepts
faster than the old ones
become well understood.

Edward Norton Lorenz

(1917 – 2008, American mathematician and meteorologist)

Some mathematician,
I believe, has said
that true pleasure lies not
in the discovery of truth,
but in the search for it.

Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy,
better known as Leo Tolstoy

(1828 – 1910, Russian writer who primarily
wrote novels and short stories)

The definition of
a good mathematical problem
is the mathematics
it generates
rather than
the problem itself.

Sir Andrew John Wiles

(*1953, British mathematician
and a Royal Society Research Professor)

3 thoughts on “25 Most Notable and Wise Quotes about Mathematics”

  1. I have read your article; it is very informative and helpful for me.
    I admire the valuable information you offer in your articles. Thanks for posting it.

  2. Nice math quotes! I think my fav was from Johann Carl. The queen of sciences and arithmetic. Going to check out the other pages and let you know my favorites from those!

  3. This all are my favorites one’s. Great that God Jesus Christ Created such a beautiful thing such as Mathematics.

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