Make Money With Your Website ā€“ Strategic Advisory Quotes

Complexity is not be admired; It is to be avoided - Jack Trout, The Power of Simplicity

There are mainly two types of websites that make money. (1) A business that is marketed online (2) A ā€œmagazineā€ or ā€œmediaā€ business Whatever your business, you are either running (1), (2), or both. If the answer is ā€˜neitherā€™, then it is very unlikely that you will make reasonable money […]

If Readers Trust, Organic Links Follow – Essential Ranking Factors I

SEO Quote: Pay attention to your statistics - Metrics such as ā€œbounce rateā€ and ā€œstickinessā€ model actual human behaviour.

Trust and authority are essential ranking factors, but how do search engines evaluate these? Forget about the so-called “Search Engine Optimisation” (SEO) when you are deciding on what to put on your website. Instead think of strong topics in your industry; not just those with high-ranking keywords, but concentrate on […]

25 Passionate Quotes from the Major League Baseball

Baseball Quotes vizualisation: Luck is the great stabilizer in baseball - Tris Speaker

Itā€™s definitely ā€˜not cricketā€™, but Major League Baseball can trace its origins to folk and village games such as ā€˜stoolballā€™ and ā€˜roundersā€™, which have been enjoyed in England for many centuries.* We have collected together 25 of the best baseball quotes from famous pitchers, catchers, managers, commentators, and insights from […]

25 Powerful Statistics Quotes with the Flavour of Science

There are two kinds of statistics, the kind you look up and the kind you make up - Rex Todhunter Stout

It was either the famous writer Mark Twain or the 19th-century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli who said: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” This saying means that statistics can be used for very wrong purposes and the persuasive power of numbers can assist to […]

Provocative and Controversial Insurance Quotes

Both terrorism and insurance sell fear - and business is business - Liam McCurry

Insurance has a reputation for annoying, high-pressure salespeople, an abundance of small print, unnecessarily sold contracts, unreasonably high premiums, claims being disputed or not paid at all, and so on… However, what many people fail to realise is that the underlying principle of insurance is, “the premiums of the many […]

25 Smart Business Quotes for Imperfect Business Owners

Business Quote: If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong - Charles Kettering

ā€œBusiness is complicated and imperfect. Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing an imperfect product or service to other imperfect human beings.ā€ Wise words by Bob Parsons, the founder of the Go Daddy group. Try to remember that! Nothing is (or ever can be) […]

Best 25 Player Quotes by Champions and Winners

Teamwork quote visualisation: The work of a team should always embrace a great player, but the great player must always work - Alex Ferguson

Being a player is part of life’s game. Welcome to our hand-picked collection of 25 of the best quotes about ‘playing’ by famous champions, historians, philosophers, professional sportsmen and sportswomen, chess grandmasters, famous rock singers, baseball, football and soccer players and many more… Although the paths to glory may seem […]