Money may not buy you friends,
but you can get
a better class of enemies.
Spike Milligan
(1918 – 2002, Indian comedian, writer, soldier and actor)
Money won’t create success,
the freedom to make it will.
Nelson Mandela
(1918 – 2013, South African anti-apartheid revolutionary)
To understand someone,
find out
how he spends his money.
Mason Cooley
(1927 – 2002, American aphorist)
Money is usually attracted,
not pursued.
Jim Rohn
(1930 – 2009, American entrepreneur, and author)
A lack of money is
never, ever, ever a problem.
A lack of money
is merely a symptom of
what is going on underneath.
T. Harv Eker
(*1954, Canadian author and businessman)
It doesn’t matter
about money;
having it,
not having it.
Or having clothes,
or not having them.
You’re still left alone
with yourself in the end.
William Michael Albert Broad
(* 1955, known professionally as Billy Idol,
English rock musician, songwriter and actor)
English rock musician, songwriter and actor)
Money does not guarantee success.
José Mourinho
(*1963, Portuguese former player,
currently the manager of Manchester United F.C.)
currently the manager of Manchester United F.C.)
The art is
not in making money,
but in keeping it.
Dutch Proverb
Money kills more
than do weapons.
Nigerian Proverb
When I had money
everyone called me brother.
Polish proverb
everyone called me brother.
Polish proverb