Seek advice on risk
from the wealthy,
who still take risks,
not friends
who dare nothing more
than a football bet.
Jean Paul Getty

The individual investor
should act consistently
as an investor
and not as a speculator.
Benjamin Graham
considered the father of value investing)
The investor’s chief problem
and even his worst enemy
is likely
to be himself.
Benjamin Graham
considered the father of value investing)

In the short run,
the market is
a voting machine,
but in the long run
it is a weighing machine.
Benjamin Graham
considered the father of value investing)
How many millionaires
do you know
who have become wealthy
by investing
in savings accounts?
I rest my case.
Robert Gray Allen
Columbus did not seek
a new route to the Indies
in response
to a majority directive.
Milton Friedman
The four most dangerous words
in investing are:
‘This time it’s different’
Sir John Marks Templeton
Investing should be more
like watching paint dry
or watching grass grow.
If you want excitement,
… go to Las Vegas.
Paul Anthony Samuelson
won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences)
An investor
without investment objectives
is like
a traveller
without a destination.
Ralph Seger
of Provident Investment Management)

Dutch Proverb