Euro banknote frozen in ice cube - financial crisis concept

Seek advice on risk
from the wealthy,
who still take risks,
not friends
who dare nothing more
than a football bet.

Jean Paul Getty

(1892 – 1976, Anglo-American industrialist)

Investment Quote: When buying shares, ask yourself, would you buy the whole company - Rene Rivkin

The individual investor
should act consistently
as an investor
and not as a speculator.

Benjamin Graham

(1894 – 1976, British-born American professional investor,
considered the father of value investing)

The investor’s chief problem
and even his worst enemy
is likely
to be himself.

Benjamin Graham

(1894 – 1976, British-born American professional investor,
considered the father of value investing)

Investment Quote: In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable - Robert D. Arnott

In the short run,
the market is
a voting machine,
but in the long run
it is a weighing machine.

Benjamin Graham

(1894 – 1976, British-born American professional investor,
considered the father of value investing)

How many millionaires
do you know
who have become wealthy
by investing
in savings accounts?
I rest my case.

Robert Gray Allen

(1902 – 1963, American businessman)

Columbus did not seek
a new route to the Indies
in response
to a majority directive.

Milton Friedman

(1912 – 2006, American economist and statistician)

The four most dangerous words
in investing are:
‘This time it’s different’

Sir John Marks Templeton

(1912 – 2008, American-born British stock investor)

Investing should be more
like watching paint dry
or watching grass grow.
If you want excitement,
… go to Las Vegas.

Paul Anthony Samuelson

(1915 – 2009, American economist,
won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences)

An investor
without investment objectives
is like
a traveller
without a destination.

Ralph Seger

(1921 – 2014, American founder
of Provident Investment Management)

Hand of business man dropping coins into other handGreat promisers, bad paymasters.
Dutch Proverb

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