Welcome to our collection of the most meaningful proverbs and intelligent sayings about investment, business and the creation of wealth.
Take a look at what true experts have said over centuries on the topic of investing. The quotes date back to Leonardo da Vinci, whilst others are from today’s authorities like Warren Buffett and Roman Abramovich.
Though markets change, good investing advice is timeless. Learn from those who succeeded – business tycoons, investors and economists from around the world – most of them millionaires and billionaires, offering solid financial advice.
The quotes are ordered chronologically by the birth year of the author. Enjoy!
He who wishes
to be rich
in a day
will be hanged
in a year.
Leonardo da Vinci
engineer, inventor, anatomist, botanist, and writer)

All that glitters
is not gold.
William Shakespeare
An investment in knowledge
pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin
The wise man
puts all his eggs
in one basket
and watches the basket.
Andrew Carnegie
who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry)

are two buckets
in the same well.
German Proverb
Opportunity is missed
by most people
because it is dressed
in overalls
and looks
like work.
Thomas Edison
When everything seems
to be going against you,
that the airplane
takes off against the wind,
not with it.
Henry Ford
Markets can remain
irrational longer
than you
can remain solvent.
John Maynard Keynes
The market does not
beat them.
They beat themselves,
because though
they have brains
they cannot sit tight.
Jesse Lauriston Livermore,
also known “Great Bear of Wall Street”
when everyone else
is selling
and hold
when everyone else
is buying.
This is not merely
a catchy slogan.
It is the very essence
of successful investments.
Jean Paul Getty

advise you
on your investments.
Spanish Proverb