The trouble with
the world is
that the stupid are cocksure
and the intelligent
are full of doubt.
Bertrand Arthur William Russell
(1872 – 1970, British nobleman, philosopher, logician,
mathematician, historian, and social critic)
mathematician, historian, and social critic)

Thinking isn’t
agreeing or disagreeing.
That’s voting.
Robert Lee Frost
(1874 – 1963, American poet)
Opinion is that exercise
of the human will
which helps us
to make a decision
without information.
John Erskine
(1879 – 1951, American educator and author, pianist and composer)
No problem can be solved
by the same consciousness
that created it.
We need
to see the world anew.
Albert Einstein
(1879 – 1955, German-born theoretical physicist)
The highest result of education
is tolerance.
Helen Adams Keller
(1880 – 1968, American author, political activist, and lecturer)
Men become civilized,
not in proportion
to their willingness to believe,
but in their readiness
to doubt.
Henry Louis “H. L.” Mencken
(1880 – 1956, American journalist, satirist,
and critic of American life)
and critic of American life)

than the certainty of the ignorant.
African Proverb