A great many people think
they are thinking
when they are merely
rearranging their prejudices.
William James
(1842 – 1910, American philosopher and psychologist)

It is well
for people who think,
to change
their minds occasionally
in order
to keep them clean.
Luther Burbank
(1849 – 1926, American botanist,
and pioneer in agricultural science)
and pioneer in agricultural science)
A man who does not
think for himself
does not think at all.
Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde
(1854 – 1900, Irish writer and poet)
The eye sees only
what the mind
is prepared to comprehend.
Henri-Louis Bergson
(1859 – 1941, major French philosopher)
A good listener
is usually thinking
about something else.
Kin Hubbard, pen name of Frank McKinney Hubbard
(1868 – 1930, American cartoonist, humourist, and journalist)
The fact that
an opinion has been
widely held
is no evidence whatever
that it is not
utterly absurd.
Bertrand Arthur William Russell
(1872 – 1970, British nobleman, philosopher, logician,
mathematician, historian, and social critic)
mathematician, historian, and social critic)

an ignorant man follows the public opinion.
Chinese proverb