Business Quote: If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong - Charles Kettering

In the business world,
the rearview mirror
is always clearer
than the windshield.

Warren Buffett

(*1930, American business magnate and investor)

Business Quote: Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity - Karl Marx

Poor people have
big TV.
Rich people have
big library.

Jim Rohn

(1930 – 2009, American entrepreneur and author)

I wouldn’t say
I was the best manager
in the business.
But I was in the top one.

Brian Howard Clough, OBE

(1935 – 2004, English footballer;
the only English manager to win and retain the European Cup)

You’ve achieved success
in your field
when you don’t know
whether what you’re doing
is work or play.

Warren Beatty

(*1937, American actor, producer,
screenwriter, and director)

A business
has to be involving,
it has to be fun,
and it has to exercise
your creative instincts.

Sir Richard Branson

(*1950, English business magnate,
founder of the Virgin Group)

Business is
complicated and imperfect.
Every business everywhere
is staffed with
imperfect human beings
and exists by
providing a product or service
to other imperfect human beings.

Bob Parsons

(*1950, American entrepreneur
and founder of the Go Daddy group)

Out there
in some garage
is an entrepreneur
who’s forging a bullet
with your company’s name on it.

Dr. Gary P. Hamel

(*1954, American management expert and business writer)

Business is war.
I go out there,
I want to kill the competitors.
I want to make
their lives miserable.
I want to steal
their market share.
I want them to fear me
and I want
everyone on my team thinking
we’re going to win.

Kevin O’Leary

(*1954, Canadian businessman,
investor, and writer)

Your most unhappy customers
are your greatest source
of learning.

Bill Gates

(*1955, American business magnate,
co-founder of Microsoft)

The common question
that gets asked in business is,
That’s a good question,
but an equally valid question is,
‘why not?’

Jeff Bezos

(*1964, American Internet entrepreneur,
founder of

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