Business Quote: If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong - Charles Kettering

“Business is complicated and imperfect. Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing an imperfect product or service to other imperfect human beings.”

Wise words by Bob Parsons, the founder of the Go Daddy group.

Try to remember that!

Nothing is (or ever can be) ever perfect. Perfection doesn’t exist!

To cheer you up, we have collected 25 of the most ‘imperfect’ 😉 quotes about business, on the theme of ‘imperfection’ and human mistakes.

Run your business, stay motivated, and remember, nothing is perfect!

It is not
the business of generals
to shoot one another.

Arthur Wellesley,
1st Duke of Wellington

(1769 – 1852, Anglo-Irish soldier and statesman;
defeated Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo)

Business Quote: The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time - Henry Ford

Never interrupt your enemy
when he is making
a mistake.

Napoleon Bonaparte

(1769 – 1821, French militarist and political leader)

Catch a man a fish,
and you can sell it to him.
Teach a man to fish,
and you ruin
a wonderful business opportunity.

Karl Marx

(1818 – 1883, German philosopher,
economist, and revolutionary socialist)

I don’t pay good wages
because I have
a lot of money;
I have a lot of money
I pay good wages.

Robert Bosch

(1861 – 1942, German industrialist,
engineer, and inventor)

The competitor to be feared
is one
who never bothers
about you at all,
but goes on
making his own business
better all the time.

Henry Ford

(1863 – 1947, American industrialist)

If you have always
done it that way,
it is probably wrong.

Charles Kettering

(1876 – 1958, American inventor,
engineer, and businessman)

Business is
more exciting
than any game.

Max Aiken, Lord Beaverbrook

(1879 – 1964, Anglo-Canadian business
tycoon, politician, and writer)

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