Communicating fruitfully relies on a two-way exchange of ideas and opinions, which means taking an interest in the other party’s thoughts.

If people in this world could manage to understand each other our beautiful planet would not only be a wonderful place to live but also very peaceful… Good, useful, and effective communication is about respecting each other without being biased in any way.

Be amusing:
never tell unkind stories;
above all,
never tell long ones.

Benjamin Disraeli

(1804 – 1881, British Conservative politician,
writer and aristocrat, served twice as Prime Minister)

Communication quote: Words empty as the wind are best left unsaid - Homer

The single biggest
problem in communication
is the illusion
that it has taken place.

George Bernard Shaw

(1856 – 1950, Irish playwright;
and a co-founder of the London School of Economics)

Think like a wise man
but communicate
in the language
of the people.

William Butler Yeats

(1865 – 1939, Irish poet)

A powerful idea
communicates some
of its strength
to him
who challenges it.

Marcel Proust

(1871 – 1922, French novelist, critic, and essayist)

Courage is
what it takes
to stand up and speak.
Courage is also
what it takes
to sit down and listen.

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill

(1874 – 1965, British politician
and twice Prime Minister of the UK)

Be sincere;
be brief;
be seated.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

(1882 – 1945, commonly known by his initials FDR,
32nd President of the United States)

To say nothing,
especially when speaking,
is half the art
of diplomacy.

William James Durant

(1885 – 1981, American writer,
historian, and philosopher)

There is only one rule
for being a good talker
– learn to listen.

Christopher Morley

(1890 – 1957, American journalist,
novelist, essayist and poet)

The more we elaborate
our means of communication,
the less we communicate.

John Boynton Priestley

(1894 – 1984, English novelist,
playwright and broadcaster)

The whole problem
is to establish
communication with oneself.

Elwyn Brooks “E. B.” White

(1899 – 1985, American writer)

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