We are drowning in information
but starved for knowledge.
John Naisbitt

Isn’t it strange
how much we know
if only we ask ourselves
instead of somebody else.
Richard Bach
Sharing is sometimes
more demanding than giving.
Mary Catherine Bateson
The greatest enemy of knowledge
is not ignorance;
it is the illusion of knowledge.
Stephen Hawking
In today’s environment,
hoarding knowledge
ultimately erodes your power.
If you know
something very important,
the way to get power
is by actually sharing it.
Joseph L. Badaracco
Often, we are too slow
to recognize how much
and in what ways
we can assist each other
through sharing
expertise and knowledge.
Owen Arthur
Knowledge management
will never work
until corporations realize
it’s not about
how you capture knowledge but
how you create and leverage it.
Étienne Wenger
Sharing will enrich
everyone with more knowledge.
Ana Monnar
Alchemists turned into chemists
when they stopped keeping secrets.
Eric Raymond
If you aren’t sharing knowledge,
you are no different from the guy
who files
false workers’ compensation insurance claims.
Jack Vinson
Great quotes by the way I’d like to use some of them for my new blog yourdailyhr.com,