The two
most powerful warriors
are patience and time.
Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy,
usually referred to in English as Leo Tolstoy
who is regarded as one
of the greatest authors of all time)

Patience is passion tamed.
Lyman Abbott
Only those
who have patience
to do
simple things perfectly
ever acquire the skill
to do
difficult things easily.
James John “Gentleman Jim” Corbett
Lack of pep
is often mistaken
for patience.
Frank McKinney Hubbard,
better known by his pen name “Kin” Hubbard
We could never learn
to be brave and patient,
if there were only
joy in the world.
Helen Adams Keller
Rivers know this:
there is no hurry.
We shall get there
some day.
A.A. Milne
Patience, persistence
and perspiration
make an unbeatable
combination for success.
Napoleon Hill
of the new thought movement)
I am patient
with stupidity
but not with those
who are proud of it.
Dame Edith Louisa Sitwell
Good ideas are not
adopted automatically.
They must be driven
into practice
with courageous patience.
Hyman Rickover
Teach us, O Lord,
the disciplines of patience,
for to wait
is often harder
than to work.
Peter Marshall