Life quote visualisation: Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued - Socrates

He who has
a why to live
can bear
almost any how.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

(1844 – 1900, German philosopher,
poet, composer, and classical philologist)

Life Quote: A well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death - Leonardo da Vinci

When one door closes,
another opens;
but we often look
so long and so regretfully
upon the closed door
that we do not see
the one
that has opened for us.

Alexander Graham Bell

(1847 – 1922, scientist, inventor,
engineer and innovator)

Keep love
in your heart.
A life without it
is like a sunless garden
when the flowers
are dead.

Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde

(1854 – 1900, Irish writer and poet)

A life
spent making mistakes
is not only more honourable,
but more useful
than a life
spent doing nothing.

George Bernard Shaw

(1856 – 1950, Irish playwright
and a co-founder of the London School of Economics)

A man
sooner or later discovers
that he is
the master-gardener of his soul,
the director of his life.

James Allen

(1864 – 1912, British philosophical writer)

The chief danger
in life is
that you may take
too many precautions.

Alfred W. Adler

(1870 – 1937, Austrian medical doctor,
and psychotherapist)

The good life
is one inspired by love
and guided by knowledge.

Bertrand Arthur William Russell,
3rd Earl Russell

(1872 – 1970, British philosopher,
logician, mathematician, and historian)

In three words
I can sum up everything
I’ve learned about life:
it goes on.

Robert Lee Frost

(1874 – 1963, American poet)

You have enemies?
That means
you’ve stood up
for something,
sometime in your life.

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill

(1874 – 1965, British politician
who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)

Only a life
lived for others
is a life worthwhile.

Albert Einstein

(1879 – 1955, German-born theoretical physicist)

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