A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

50 Best Discipline Quotes – Self-Control and Willpower

The best years
of your life
are the ones
in which you decide
your problems are your own.
You do not blame them
on your mother,
the ecology,
or the president.
You realize
that you control
your own destiny.

Albert Ellis

(1913 – 2007, American psychologist)

Discipline quote: Serving one's own passions is the greatest slavery - Thomas Fuller

Most of us
don’t mind doing
what we ought to do
when it doesn’t interfere
with what we want to do,
but it takes
discipline and maturity
to do what we ought to do
whether we want to or not.

Joseph B. Wirthlin

(1917 – 2008, American businessman
and religious leader)

Seek freedom
and become captive
of your desires.
Seek discipline
and find your liberty.

Frank Herbert

(1920 – 1986, American science fiction author)

The only discipline
that lasts
is self discipline.

Bum Phillips

(1923 – 2013, American football coach)

It was character
that got us out of bed,
that moved us into action
and discipline
that enabled us
to follow through.

Zig Ziglar

(1926 – 2012, American author & salesman)

Unless you change
how you are,
you will always have
what you’ve got.

Jim Rohn

(1930 – 2009, American entrepreneur and author)

Discipline is the bridge
between goals
and accomplishment.

Jim Rohn

(1930 – 1999, American entrepreneur & author)

Learn from the past,
set vivid,
detailed goals for the future,
and live
in the only moment of time
over which
you have any control:

Denis Waitley

(*1933, American motivational speaker and writer)

Hand checking tick and cross box + boy playing logic gameGod gives the nuts,
but he does not crack them.

German proverb

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