It was over 350 years ago that Catherine the Great said: “I beg you take courage; the brave soul can mend even disaster.” Inspiring words by a great woman.
Our hand-picked collection of sayings about success, achievement, strength, courage and leadership contains powerful and notable quotes by powerful and successful women.
This is not a collection of quotes about women rights or female activism. Instead, these are inspiring words voiced by women leaders over the last 600 years and more – words of great wisdom, authority, and motivation.
The quotes are sorted chronologically by birth date of the originator. Enjoy, share and feel inspired!
One life is all we have
and we live it
as we believe in living it.
But to sacrifice
what you are
and to live without belief,
that is a fate
more terrible than dying.
Joan of Arc,
nicknamed “The Maid of Orléans”

I beg you
take courage;
the brave soul
can mend even disaster.
Yekaterina Alexeevna or Catherine II,
also known as Catherine the Great
We are not interested
in the possibilities
of defeat.
They do not exist.
Queen Victoria
We must believe
that we are gifted for something,
and that this thing,
at whatever cost,
must be attained.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie
Those who do not move,
do not notice
their chains.
Rosa Luxemburg
and revolutionary socialist)
In order
to be irreplaceable
one must always
be different.
Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel,
better known as Coco Chanel
Do one thing
every day
that scares you.
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
The question isn’t
who’s going to let me;
who is going to stop me.
Ayn Rand
philosopher, and screenwriter)