People do not lack strength; they lack will - Victor Hugo

Courage isn’t having
the strength to go on –
it is going on
when you don’t have strength.

Napoleon Bonaparte

(1769 – 1821, French military and political leader)

Conflict resolution cartoon: man with helmet against goatTime for your first lesson in conflict resolution.

Patience is
the support of weakness;
the ruin of strength.

Charles Caleb Colton

(1780 – 1832, English cleric,
writer and collector)

People do not lack strength;
they lack will.

Victor Marie Hugo

(1802 – 1885, French poet,
novelist, and dramatist)

Work is not man’s punishment.
It is his reward
and his strength
and his pleasure.

Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin

(1804 – 1876, best known by her pseudonym George Sand,
French novelist and memoirist)

The strength of criticism
lies in the weakness
of the thing criticized.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

(1807 – 1882, American poet and educator)

is always weakness;
even in error
is strength.

George Henry Lewes

(1817 – 1878, English philosopher and critic)

The awareness
of our own strength
makes us modest.

Paul Cézanne

(1839 – 1906, French artist and Post-Impressionist painter)

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