Courage isn’t having
the strength to go on –
it is going on
when you don’t have strength.
Napoleon Bonaparte
(1769 – 1821, French military and political leader)

Patience is
the support of weakness;
the ruin of strength.
Charles Caleb Colton
(1780 – 1832, English cleric,
writer and collector)
writer and collector)
People do not lack strength;
they lack will.
Victor Marie Hugo
(1802 – 1885, French poet,
novelist, and dramatist)
novelist, and dramatist)
Work is not man’s punishment.
It is his reward
and his strength
and his pleasure.
Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin
(1804 – 1876, best known by her pseudonym George Sand,
French novelist and memoirist)
French novelist and memoirist)
The strength of criticism
lies in the weakness
of the thing criticized.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
(1807 – 1882, American poet and educator)
is always weakness;
even in error
is strength.
George Henry Lewes
(1817 – 1878, English philosopher and critic)
The awareness
of our own strength
makes us modest.
Paul Cézanne
(1839 – 1906, French artist and Post-Impressionist painter)