Everyone has a bad day, sometimes it may have been a bad year, or even a bad decade. Nevertheless, we have to keep going. We have to force ourselves to break through the ‘bad luck’.
One good deed every day!
Every day we have to try to do something that brings us forward!
It doesn’t matter whether it’s exercise, educating ourselves, or socialising a little. It can even be simply cleaning the house. Just one productive deed a day, no matter how small, to break through the rut.
These motivational quotes have been collected to encourage you to stand up against all the problems and challenges you may currently face; just take the first step, keep going and then don’t stop.
The quotes are sorted chronologically by the author’s birth year. Stay motivated! It doesn’t matter how hard life seems there is always a silver lining. 🙂
The mind is everything.
What you think you become.
on whose teachings Buddhism was founded)

Dare to dream big dreams;
only big dreams have the power
to move men’s souls.
Marcus Aurelius
the last of the so-called Five Good Emperors)
Do it with passion
or not at all.
Rosa Nouchette Carey
That which does not kill us
makes us stronger.
Friedrich Nietzsche
composer, poet, philologist, and Latin and Greek scholar)
Don’t let your dreams
be dreams.
John Arthur “Jack” Johnson
American boxer; first African American world
heavyweight boxing champion)
Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance,
you must keep moving.
Albert Einstein
A smooth sea
never makes a skilled sailor.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
32nd President of the United)
Goals are dreams
with deadlines.
Napolean Hill
In time of difficulties,
we must not lose sight
of our achievements.
Mao Zedong
political theorist and founding father of the People’s Republic of China)
I think in terms of
the day’s resolutions,
not the years’.
Henry Moore