Whether you are looking for short motivational quotes or just for some famous words from the world of sports then you should find something of interest in the following quotes collection.
Short sayings stick. They are much easier committed to memory than long-winded pieces of advice and lengthy team talks.
Our collection of short motivational sports quotes is sorted chronologically by birth year of the unforgettable originator.
May they motivate and inspire you, and aid your outlook on life and/or business… Enjoy, and remember always to keep it short and sweet!
Be strong in body,
clean in mind,
lofty in ideals.
James Naismith
he invented the sport of basketball in 1891)

When you see
a good move,
look for a better one.
Emanuel Lasker
and philosopher who was World Chess Champion for 27 years)
The beauty of a move
lies not in its’ appearance
but in the thought
behind it.
Aron Nimzowitsch
Show me a good
and gracious loser
and I’ll show you
a failure.
Knute Rockne
No one ever won
a game by resigning.
Ksawery Tartakower
Polish and French chess grandmaster)
A champion is someone
who gets up
when he can’t.
William Harrison “Jack” Dempsey
American professional boxer and cultural icon of the 1920s)
Strategy requires thought,
tactics require observation.
Machgielis “Max” Euwe
You can learn
a line from a win
and a book from a defeat.
Paul Brown
Winners never quit
and quitters never win.
Vince Lombardi
Aim for the sky
and you’ll reach the ceiling.
Aim for the ceiling
and you’ll stay on the floor.
Bill Shankly
Great job. Nice blog regarding quotes.All the list you mentioned in it is very inspirational and motivational. After reading it i come to the point that it filled a person with motivation and inspire him towards life. It is full of with positive energy. I like all the quotes. I would also like to share it with my friends and dear and near ones. Thanks for sharing.