Life isn’t easy and we have all been in the situation where things just seem to get worse and we must persevere… The good news? If we do persevere, there’s only so many lemons in the world.
Persevere and weather the storm. Don’t give up on yourself and don’t surrender your dreams. Keeping going and you’ll make it. As they say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Enjoy our collection of memorable quotes on the topic, by people who persevered and weathered the storm.
The quotes are sorted chronologically by birth date of the originator. Enjoy and share with your friends!
It does not matter
how slowly you go
as long as you do not stop.

Our greatest glory is not in never falling
but in rising every time we fall.
He conquers who endures.
Through perseverance
many people win success out
of what seemed destined to be certain failure.
Benjamin Disraeli
I am a slow walker,
but I never walk back.
Abraham Lincoln
To throw in the towel,
there is always time for that later.
Theodor Fontane
Doubting victory
does not excuse giving up the fight.
Marie Freifrau von Ebner-Eschenbach
Believe that life is worth living
and your belief will help create the fact.
William James
I have not failed,
I have just found 10,000 ways
that won’t work.
Thomas Edison
There is no failure
except in no longer trying.
Elbert Hubbard