Welcome to our beautiful collection of great quotes about life by ancient philosophers, prominent figures in history, and famous contemporary people!
Whether you are seeking value in life or looking for the secrets of good life then you will certainly find something of interest here…
The world has seen many great empires through the ages, each creating its own version of contentment and understanding of a good life.
It is remarkable that the more ancient the quotes are, the more punchy they seem to be.
The quotes are sorted in chronological order.
Enjoy, love them, feel inspired and share!
Not life,
but good life,
is to be chiefly valued.

Know thyself.
Wealth consists
not in having
great possessions,
but in having
few wants.
You will be
as much value to others
as you have been
to yourself.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
statesman, and political theorist)
Where there is no vision,
the people perish.
Proverbs 29:18
You know the value
of every merchandise,
but you do not know
your own value
– that is stupidity…
jurist, and theologian)
The value of life
is not in
the length of days,
but in
the use we make of them;
a man may live long
yet very little.
Michel de Montaigne
Men often
are valued high,
when they are
most wretched.
John Webster
like gold and diamonds,
owes its value
only to its scarcity.
Samuel Johnson
The longer we live
the more we think
and the higher the value
we put on friendship
and tenderness
towards parents and friends.
Samuel Johnson