Welcome to our compilation of the most meaningful quotes about trust and mistrust.
You develop faith in a friend or business partner who is consistently reliable and honest, not just occasionally on the spur of the moment, or at times…
Trust is built and maintained over a long period of time. It is a matter of character; we are trusted because of our way of being. And remember, trust is not built but rather destroyed, if you take advantage of someone, even in the slightest!
Our hand-picked selection is arranged by birth year of the author, focusing on building and maintaining trust throughout the history of mankind.
Enjoy, trust and share!
Never trust the advice
of a man in difficulties.

He who does not trust enough
will not be trusted.
Lao Tzu
It is more shameful
to distrust our friends
than to be deceived by them.
politician, and philosopher)
Trust dies
but mistrust blossoms.
Men trust their ears
less than their eyes.
Love all, trust a few,
do wrong to none.
William Shakespeare,
All’s Well That Ends Well
A body of men
holding themselves accountable to nobody
ought not to be trusted by anybody.
Thomas Paine
theorist and revolutionary)
Trust yourself,
then you will know
how to live.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe