Puppy and Kitten

Friendship is always
a sweet responsibility,
never an opportunity.

Gibran Khalil Gibran

(1883 – 1931, Lebanese-American artist, poet and writer)

Friendship Quote: It is difficult to obtain the friendship of a cat

Friendship with oneself
is all-important
because without it
one cannot be friends
with anyone else
in the world.

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

(1884 – 1962, longest-serving First Lady of the United States)

A friend is one
who walks in
when others walk out.

Walter Winchell

(1897 – 1972, American newspaper and radio commentator)

There is no hope of joy
except in human relations.

Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger,
comte de Saint Exupéry

(1900 – 1944, French aristocrat, writer,
poet and pioneering aviator)

A true friend never gets
in your way
unless you happen
to be going down.

Arnold Henry Glasow

(1905 – 1998, American businessman)

Don’t walk behind me;
I may not lead.
Don’t walk in front of me;
I may not follow.
Just walk beside me
and be my friend.

Albert Camus

(1913 – 1960, French Algeria-born
Nobel Prize winning author)

You can always tell
a real friend:
when you’ve made
a fool of yourself
he doesn’t feel
you’ve done a permanent job.

Laurence Johnston Peter

(1919 – 1990, Canadian educator and hierarchiologist)

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