The true index
of a man’s character
is the health of his wife.
Cyril Vernon Connolly

The doctor has been taught
to be interested
not in health but in disease.
What the public is taught is
that health
is the cure for disease.
Montague Francis Ashley-Montagu
Effective health care
depends on self-care;
this fact is currently heralded
as if it were a discovery.
Ivan Illich
Roman Catholic priest)
There’s a need
for accepting responsibility –
for a person’s life
and making choices
that are not just ones
for immediate short-term comfort.
You need to make an investment,
and the investment is
in health and education.
Edwin Eugene “Buzz” Aldrin, Jr.
Medical professionals,
not insurance company bureaucrats,
should be making healthcare decisions.
Barbara Levy Boxer
Everyone should have health insurance?
I say everyone
should have health care.
I’m not selling insurance.
Dennis John Kucinich
To get rich
never risk your health.
For it is the truth
that health
is the wealth of wealth.
Richard Hugh Baker
For he who has health has hope;
and he who has hope,
has everything.
Owen Seymour Arthur
and former Prime Minister of Barbados)
Just because I have
a fitness app on my phone
it doesn’t make me an athlete.
Dr. Harry Greenspun
So many people spend
their health gaining wealth,
and then have to spend
their wealth to regain their health.
A.J. Reb Materi