The experience
of pain or loss
can be a formidably
motivating force.
John Calvin Maxwell
Do you not know
that a man is not dead
while his name is still spoken?
Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
I think loss can fuel
how you lead
your whole life.
Martin Hayter Short
writer, singer, and producer)
The risk of love
is loss,
and the price of loss
is grief.
But the pain of grief
is only a shadow
when compared
with the pain
of never risking love.
Hilary Stanton Zunin, The Art of Condolence
Life is
about surviving loss.
Mary Nell Steenburgen
Life seems
sometimes like nothing more
than a series of losses,
from beginning to end.
That’s the given.
How you respond
to those losses,
what you make
of what’s left,
that’s the part
you have to make up
as you go.
Katharine Weber
her novel, The Music Lesson, was published in 1999 and has since
been translated into thirteen foreign languages)
It’s not the winning
that teaches you
how to be resilient.
It’s the setback.
It’s the loss.
Beth Brooke-Marciniak
Tears shed for another person
are not a sign of weakness.
They are a sign of a pure heart.
José N. Harris
and author of MI VIDA: A Story of Faith, Hope and Love)
Sometimes a loss
is the best thing
that can happen.
It teaches you
what you should
have done next time.
Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr.
American rapper and actor)
does not change you.
It reveals you.
John Michael Green
He won the 2006 Printz Award for his debut novel, Looking for Alaska,
and his sixth novel, The Fault in Our Stars)
It’s hard to forget
who gave you
so much to remember.
Unknown Author