2017.01.29 - Erjos (Tenerife) - Almond flower

are a proud assertion
that a ray
of beauty outvalues
all the utilities
of the world.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

(1803 – 1882, American essayist, lecturer, and poet)

Rare is the union of beauty and purity - Juvenal

Beauty without expression
is boring.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

(1803 – 1882, American essayist, lecturer, and poet)

There is no exquisite beauty…
without some strangeness
in the proportion.

Edgar Allan Poe

(1809 – 1849, American author, poet, editor, and literary critic)

The perception of beauty
is a moral test.

Henry David Thoreau

(1817 – 1862, American author, poet, philosopher, naturalist,
tax resister, development critic, surveyor, and historian)

You cannot perceive beauty
but with a serene mind.

Henry David Thoreau

(1817 – 1862, American author, poet, philosopher, naturalist,
tax resister, development critic, surveyor, and historian)

It is amazing
how complete
is the delusion
that beauty is goodness.

Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
usually referred to as Leo Tolstoy

(1828 – 1910, Russian novelist,
Quote from ‘The Kreutzer Sonata’)

It’s amazing
how lovely
common things become,
if one only knows
how to look at them.

Louisa May Alcott

(1832 – 1888, American novelist)

The beautiful things
of the earth
become more dear
as they elude pursuit.

Thomas Hardy

(1840 – 1928, English novelist and poet)

The absence
of flaw in beauty
is itself a flaw.

Havelock Ellis

(1859 – 1939, English physician, writer, and social reformer)

Pylon tower in the forest of the Teno Alto montain range in TenerifeWhat you love is always beautiful.
French Proverb

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