2017.01.29 - Erjos (Tenerife) - Almond flower

The best part
of beauty is that
which no picture
can express.

Francis Bacon, Viscount St. Alban

(1561 – 1626, English philosopher, scientist, essayist and author)

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it - Confucius

Beauty is power;
a smile is its sword.

John Ray

(1627 – 1705, English naturalist)

Beauty in things exists
in the mind
which contemplates them.

David Hume

(1711 – 1776, Scottish historian, philosopher, and essayist)

For me
the greatest beauty
always lies
in the greatest clarity.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

(1729 – 1781, German writer, philosopher, and art critic)

Beauty is the promise
of happiness.

Edmund Burke

(1729 – 1797, Anglo-Irish statesman, author, and philosopher)

The soul
that sees beauty
may sometimes walk alone.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

(1749 – 1832, German writer and statesman)

Let us live
for the beauty
of our own reality.

Charles Lamb

(1775 – 1834, English writer and essayist)

A thing of beauty
is a joy forever.

John Keats

(1795 – 1821, English Romantic poet)

To love beauty
is to see light.

Victor Marie Hugo

(1802 – 1885, French poet, novelist, and dramatist)

Briza Maxima/ Greater Quaking Grass - nodding seed capsules at the end of their livesWhat worth has beauty if it is not seen?
Italian Proverb

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