50 of the Best Quotes about Change

Humans are evolutionarily predisposed to resist change and, the older we get the more change resistant we become.. Nevertheless, despite our instinctive resistance to change, we must learn to embrace new challenges. In today’s society the pace of development is immensely accelerating, and as Charles Darwin said once: “It is […]

Best Confucius Quotes to Encourage You to Change

Your life is what your thoughts make it - Confucius

Confucius – 551 BC to 479 BC – was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher. His philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. One of the greatest strengths of Confucius is probably the superiority of personal exemplification over explicit rules of behaviour. His […]

50 of the Best Quotes to Learn a Foreign Language

Language Quote: A different language is a different vision of life - Federico Fellini

It was almost 100 years ago that Ludwig Wittgenstein, an Austrian-British philosopher, said, “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”. Geoffrey Willans, an English author and journalist, said at around the same period, “You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.”. Languages […]

Truly Powerful Dr. Seuss Quotes That May Change Your Life

It is opener, out there, in the wide, open air – Dr Seuss

Welcome to our collection of Dr. Seuss quotes that have the power to change you (and your life) if you follow their messages. Simple, easy to remember, expressive, witty, meaningful and poignant – that is what Dr. Seuss was famous for. It seems almost unbelievable that Dr. Seuss (or, Theodor […]

50 Inspiring & Thoughtprovoking Worry & Anxiety Quotes

Worry Anxiety quote: He who fears he shall suffer, already suffers what he fears - Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. This Swedish Proverb summarises very well the whole message of this quotes collection. One worries far too much. What will happen will happen. You can do nothing about it! Have you ever watched a hamster racing around one of those circular […]

Thinking Quotes to Inspire & Help Think Outside the Box

Swimming against the crowd

The expression ‘think outside the box’ is a mantra frequently quoted, especially in business meetings. Its intention is to encourage creativity, innovation, and imaginative thinking. However, in most cases the phrase is meaningless and instead becomes a rather misleading cliché… Firstly, you need not only to understand ‘the box’ concept […]

23 Life Insurance Quotes – Witty and Meaningful

End of Live - thistle

Throughout our website Soccerwidow we talk about statistics, especially in connection with sports results, odds calculation, and betting, and we can assure you that nothing within this field carries a full one hundred percent probability. But when it comes to the subject of life, absolute certainty does exist. The undesirable […]