Dogs are not just for Christmas

Sarcastic Brits About Christmas – Quotes from the British Isles

Christmas is a day
that holds all time together.

Alexander Smith

(1829 – 1867, Scottish poet, and labelled as one of the Spasmodic School)

Xmas Quote: I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included - Bernard John Manning

is not an external event at all,
but a piece of one’s home
that one carries in one’s heart.

Dame Freya Madeline Stark

(1893- 1993, British explorer and travel writer)

I get a little behind during Lent,
but it comes out
even at Christmas.

Frank Butler

(1916 – 2006, British sportswriter and author)

From a commercial point of view,
if Christmas did not exist
it would be necessary to invent it.

Katharine Elizabeth Whitehorn

(*1928, British journalist, writer, and columnist)

I once bought my kids
a set of batteries for Christmas
with a note on it saying,
toys not included.

Bernard John Manning

(1930 – 2007, English comedian, sarcastic Brit and nightclub owner)

My mother-in-law
has come round to our house
at Christmas seven years running.
This year we’re having a change.
We’re going to let her in.

Leslie “Les” Dawson, Jr.

(1931 – 1993, English comedian and writer
remembered for his deadpan style)

I suppose
if you look back
to your early childhood
you accept everything
people tell you,
and that includes
a heavy dose of irrationality –
you’re told
about tooth fairies
and Father Christmas, and things.

Clinton Richard Dawkins

(*1941, English ethologist, evolutionary biologist, and author)

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