British people are well known for their black humour, often sarcastic and self-deprecating, frequently served up with deadpan delivery. Sarcastic Brits take down even Christmas…
This may sometimes seem insensitive to other cultures as, in Britain, humour is applied to almost every subject and nothing is taboo.
We collected 25 Christmas sayings and quotes by sarcastic Brits. A nursery rhyme to begin with, and then quotes from famous people, some funny and some somewhat philosophical.
The quotations are ordered chronologically. Enjoy!
Christmas is coming,
the geese are getting fat,
please to put a penny
in an old man’s hat;
if you haven’t got a penny
a ha’penny will do,
if you haven’t got a ha’penny,
God bless you.
Mother Goose, old English saying
Christmas is
the antithesis of Thanksgiving.
Christmas is pretty much
a man-made holiday.
John Clayton
early Methodist, and Jacobite supporter)
Christmas is the glorious time
of great Too-Much.
James Henry Leigh Hunt
Pets, like their owners,
tend to expand a little
over the Christmas period.
Frances Wright,
widely known as Fanny Wright
I will honour
Christmas in my heart,
and try to keep it
all the year.
Charles Dickens, from ‘A Christmas Carol’
When we were children
we were grateful to those
who filled our stockings
at Christmas time.
Why are we not grateful
to God for filling
our stockings with legs?
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
journalist, and Christian apologist)